If the sister does not go to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to his sister. His half-brother had his eye on his sister for a long time, and she was playing the innocent chick. Only when he took his dick out of his pants did her eyes open to the fact that he could make a good lover. Yeah, and her pussy was leaking before she came to her senses. And what happened was, she took it in her mouth. So females only resist for the first few minutes, until the front starts dictating their will to the head.
Chick's pussy was already very big, and after she was pumped up with a pump it became huge. The guy could hardly stick his dick in that swollen pussy. The most curious thing is that the clitoris almost did not increase, but the lips became like marmalade. I wonder if the sensitivity increases or decreases in such pumped up pussies. I've never fucked one before, I'll have to try it.
Ah, I came.